Textile Dictionary ,WORDS T

1. TACKINESS: The property of being sticky or adhesive.
2. TACTIC POLYMER: A polymer whose molecular structure exhibits regularity or symmetry of non-backbone side groups instead of random ordering.
3. TAFFETA: A plain-weave fabric with a fine, smooth, crisp hand and typically a lustrous appearance. Taffeta fabric usually features a fine cross rib made by employing a heavier filling yarn than warp yarn. Taffetas are produced in solid colors, yarn-dyed plaids and stripes, and prints. Changeable and moiré effects are often employed. Although originally made from silk, manufactured fibers are now often utilized in the assembly of taffeta.
4. TAKE-UP (TWIST): The change long of a filament, yarn, or cord caused by twisting, expressed as a percentage of the first (untwisted) length.
5. TAKE-UP (YARN-IN-FABRIC): The difference in distance between two points during a yarn because it lies during a fabric and therefore the same two points after the yarn has been faraway from the material and straightened under specified tension, expressed as a percentage of the straightened length. during this sense, take-up is contrasted to the crimp of a yarn during a fabric, which is expressed as a percentage of the space between the 2 points within the yarn because it lies within the fabric. Take-up is usually utilized in reference to greige fabric.
6. TANGENT MODULUS: The ratio of change in stress to vary in strain derived from the tangent to any point on a stress-stain curve.
7. TAPE: 1. A narrow, woven fabric not over 8 inches in breadth . 2. In slide fasteners, a strip of fabric , along one fringe of which the bead and scoops are attached, the bead sometimes being integral with the strip.
8. TARE: the load of all external and internal packing (including bobbins, tubes, etc.) of a case, bale, or other sort of container.
9. TARPAULIN: Water-resistant fabric wont to protect loads or materials from the weather . could also be a coated fabric, a cloth with waterproof finish, or a cloth that's tightly constructed to stop water penetration.
10. TEAR STRENGTH: The force required to start or to continue a tear during a fabric under specified conditions.
11. TENACITY: The tensile stress when expressed as force per unit linear density of the unstrained specimen (e.g., grams-force per denier or newtons per tex).
12. TENCEL : Registered trademark of Tencel, Inc. for his or her brand of cellulosic staple fiber
classified as lyocell.
13. TENSILE FACTOR: The empirical factor T x E1/2 that describes the tenacity elongation exchange relationship for an outsized number of manufactured fiber systems.
14. TENSILE HYSTERESIS CURVE: a posh load-elongation, or stress-strain curve obtained: (1) when a specimen is successively subjected to the appliance of a load or stress but that causing rupture and to the removal of the load or stress consistent with a predetermined procedure; or (2) when a specimen is stretched but the breaking elongation and allowed to relax by removal of the strain consistent with a predetermined procedure.
15. TENSILE STRAIN: The relative length deformation exhibited by a specimen subjected to a tensile force. Strain could also be expressed as a fraction of the nominal gauge length or as a percentage
16. TENSILE STRENGTH: 1. generally , the strength shown by a specimen subjected to tension as distinct from torsion, compression, or shear. 2. Specifically, the utmost tensile stress expressed effective per unit cross-sectional area of the unstrained specimen, e.g., kilograms per square millimeter, pounds per sq in .
17. TENSILE STRESS: The resistance to deformation developed within a specimen subjected to tension by external force. The tensile stress is usually expressed in two ways, either as (1) the lastingness , i.e., the force per unit cross-sectional area of the unstrained specimen, or as (2) tenacity, i.e., the force per unit linear density of the unstrained specimen. The latter is more frequently utilized in textile testing.
18. TENSILE TEST: a way of measuring the resistance of a yarn or fabric to a force tending to stretch the specimen in one direction.
19. TENTER FRAME: A machine that dries fabric to a specified width under tension. The machine consists essentially of a pair of endless chains on horizontal tracks. the material is held firmly at the sides by pins or clips on the 2 chains that diverge as they advance through the heated chamber, adjusting the material to the specified width.
20. TEREPHTHALIC ACID: Para-phthalic acid, [C6H4(COOH)2]. wont to produce polyester resins, fibers, and films by combination with glycols.
21. TERPOLYMER: A product of the polymerization of three different monomers.
22. TERRY CLOTH: A cotton or cotton-blend fabric having uncut loops on one or each side . Made on a dobby loom with a terry arrangement or on a Jacquard loom . it's used for toweling, beach robes, etc.
23. TERTIARY COLORS: Shades that are obtained by mixing the three primary colors or by mixing one or more of the secondary colors with gray or black.
24. TETRACHLORIDE: A chloride, like carbon tet , containing four atoms of chlorine.
25. TEX: 1. A unit for expressing linear density, adequate to the load in grams of 1 kilometer of yarn, filament, fiber, or other textile strand. 2. The system of yarn numbering supported the utilization of tex units.
26. TEXTILE: Originally, a woven fabric; now applied generally to anybody of the following: 1. Staple fibers and filaments suitable for conversion to or use as yarns, or for the preparation of woven, knit, or nonwoven fabrics. 2. Yarns made up of natural or manufactured fibers. 3. Fabrics and other manufactured products made up of fibers as defined above and from yarns. 4. Garments and other articles fabricated from fibers, yarns, or fabrics when the products retain the characteristic flexibility and drape of the first fabrics.
27. TEXTURE: A term describing the surface effect of a cloth , like dull, lustrous, wooly, stiff, soft, fine, coarse, open, or closely woven; the structural quality of a cloth .
28. TEXTURED: An adjective wont to describe continuous filament manufactured yarns (and woven and knit fabrics made therefrom) that are crimped or have had random loops imparted, or that are otherwise modified to make a special surface texture.
29. TEXTURED YARNS: Yarns that develop stretch and bulk on subsequent processing.
30. TEXTURING: the method of crimping, imparting random loops, or otherwise modifying continuous filament yarn to extend cover, resilience, abrasion resistance, warmth, insulation, and moisture absorption or to supply a special surface texture. parameters as degree of crystallinity, glass
transition temperature, thermal stability, etc.
31. THERMOPLASTIC: A term wont to describe a plastic material that's permanently fusible. The term as applied to made fibers describes their tendency to melt at higher temperatures.
32. THERMOSET: A term wont to describe a plastic that, once formed, doesn't melt when heated.
33. THERMOTROPIC POLYMER: Polymer that exhibits liquid formation in melt form. In thermotropic polymers there must be a balance between having the required degree of molecular perfection to preserve the liquid formation and therefore the amount of imperfection to allow melting at workable temperatures. These polymers give high-modulus, highly oriented, extrusion products.
34. THREAD: 1. A slender, strong strand or cord, especially one designed for stitching or other needlework. Most threads are made by plying and twisting yarns. a good sort of thread types are in use today, e.g., spun cotton and spun polyester, core-spun cotton with a polyester filament core, polyester or nylon filaments (often bonded), and monofilament threads. 2. A general term for yarns utilized in weaving and knitting, as in “thread count” and “warp thread”.
35. THREAD COUNT: 1. the amount of ends and picks per inch during a woven cloth. 2. the amount of wales and courses per inch during a knit fabric.
36. THREADED-ROLL PROCESS: A high-speed method developed by Celanese for converting crimped continuous filament tow into highly bulked, uniformly spread webs of up to 108-inch widths. The webs are useful during a sort of products, like cigarette filters, sleeping pillows, and battings.
37. THREADLINES: The fiber lines of a manufactured fiber in extrusion or subsequent processes.
38. THREADUP: the method of directing or threading fiber or fabric through all machine positions to start out or restart a process, or the configuration resulting therefrom.
39. THREE-BAR FABRIC: A tricot fabric made on a machine equipped with three guide bars.
40. THREE-DIMENSIONAL WEAVING: to supply three-dimensional textiles, yarns are simultaneously woven in three directions (length, width, and thickness) instead of within the conventional two. the kinds of structures which will be produced fall under four broad classes: (1) contoured fabrics, (2) expandable fabrics, (3) interwoven fabrics (Also misperceive WEAVE), and (4) contoured interwoven fabrics.
41. THROUGHPUT: the quantity of staple processed during a specific time. this is often the particular amount, not a percentage.
42. THROWING: The operation of doubling or twisting silk or manufactured filament yarns.
43. THROWSTER: a corporation that focuses on putting additional twist in yarn. More recently, the term also applies to a corporation that focuses on texturing yarns.
44. THRUM: the perimeter of warp yarns that is still on the loom when the woven fabric has been cut free.
45. TICKING: A durable, closely woven fabric used for covering box springs, mattresses, and pillows. Ticking could also be woven during a plain, satin, or twill , usually with strong warp yarns and soft filling yarns.
46. TIGHT or LOOSE END: A taut or slack warp end caused by an excessive amount of or insufficient tension on a private end while weaving, by ridgy section or warp beams, by incorrect tensions in beaming or sizing, or as a results of faulty fabric design.
47. TIME-TO-BREAK: In tensile testing, the interval during which a specimen is under prescribed conditions of tension and is absorbing the energy required to succeed in maximum load.
48. TINT: Coloration that produces a really pale shade. A tint usually represents the minimum amount of color which will give perceptible appearance of coloration. In yarn processing, fugitive tints are used for identification, then removed in wet processing.
49. TIP-SHEARED CARPET: A textured pile carpet almost like a random-sheared carpet, but with a less defined surface effect.
50. TIRE-BUILDER FABRIC: Fabric consisting of tire cord within the warp with single yarn filling at extended intervals.
51. TIRE CONSTRUCTION: The geometry of the varied layers of tire fabric within the final tire. Three constructions are commonly used. 1. Bias Tire: during this construction, tire fabric is laid alternately at bias angles of 25 to 40° to the tread direction. a good number of layers (or piles) is employed . 2. Radial Tire: during a radial , tire fabric traverses the body of the tire at 90° to the tread direction. Atop the tire fabric are laid alternating narrow layers of cloth at low angles of 10 to 30° to the tread direction; the belt that's formed round the tire body restricts the movement of the body. 3. Bias/Belted Tire: This tire construction combines features of the preceding two. the primary layers of cloth are just like the bias tire. The belt is added in alternating layers at 20° to the tread direction.
52. TIRE CORD: A textile material wont to impart the flex resistance necessary for tire reinforcement. Tire yarns of polyester, rayon, nylon, aramid, glass, or steel are twisted to five to 12 turns per inch. Two or more of those twisted yarns are twisted together within the other way to get a cabled tire cord. The twist level required depends on the fabric , the yarn linear density, and therefore the particular application of the cord. Normally, tire cords are twisted to about an equivalent degree within the S and Z directions, which suggests that internet effect is nearly zero twist within the finished cord.
53. TITANIUM DIOXIDE: A compound (TiO2) that happens naturally in three different forms (rutile, anatase, and brookite). it's used chiefly as a pigment or delusterant in paint or fiber.
54. TOBACCO CLOTH: a skinny , lightweight, open cloth wont to shade and protect tobacco plants.
55. TOE CLOSING: In knitting hosiery, this term refers to closing the toe opening. it's going to be knit closed, or in tube hosiery, sewn closed.
56. TOILE: 1. A broad term describing many simple taffeta weave twill fabrics, especially those made up of linen. 2. Sheer cotton and linen fabrics.
57. TONGUE TEAR STRENGTH: the typical force required to tear an oblong sample with a cut within the edge at the middle of the shorter side. the 2 tongues are gripped during a tensile tester and therefore the force required to continue and tear is measured.
58. TORQUE: A force or a mixture of forces that produces or tends to supply a twisting or rotating motion. In regard to yarn, torque refers to the yarn’s tendency to show on itself, or kink, as a results of twisting.
59. TOTAL DENIER (OF TOW): the merchandise of the denier per filament times the amount of filaments during a tow.
60. TOUGHNESS: 1. Ability of a cloth to endure large deformations without rupture. 2. the particular work per unit mass required to rupture a fiber or a yarn.
61. TOW: an outsized strand of continuous manufactured fiber filaments without definite twist, collected in loose, rope-like form, usually held together by crimp. Tow is that the form that the majority manufactured fiber reaches before being dig staple. it's often processed on tow-conversion machinery into tops, sliver, or yarn, or on tow-opening equipment to form webs for various uses.
62. TRAPPED END: An end that's unable to unwrap or unwind from the beam. Trapping of an end could also be prolonged or intermittent depending upon the explanation for trapping (e.g., rolled ends at the selvage, short ends, or mechanical difficulties).
63. TRAVELER: A C-shaped, metal clip that revolves round the ring on a hoop spinning machine . It guides the yarn onto the bobbin as twist is inserted into the yarn.
64. TRAVERSE LENGTH: The lateral distance between the points of reversal of the wind on a yarn package.
65. TREE BARK: A term describing the rippled or wavy effect sometimes seen when a bonded fabric is stretched within the horizontal (widthwise) direction. This defect is caused by bias tensions present when two distorted or skewed fabrics are bonded.
66. TRIACETATE FIBER: A manufactured fiber produced from triacetate within the sorts of filament yarn, staple, and tow. triacetate fiber differs from acetate fiber therein during its manufacture the cellulose is totally acetylated whereas acetate, which is diacetate, is merely partially acetylated.
67. TRIACETIN: Glycerol triacetate. a kind of plasticizer for acetate fibers. it's widely wont to add firmness to cigarette filter rods.
68. TRIAXIAL FABRICS: Completely isotropic fabrics made during a weaving process employing three yarns at 60° angles to every other. These fabrics haven't any stretch or distortion in any direction. With equal sizes and number of yarns altogether three directions, the material approaches equal strength and stiffness altogether directions.
69. TRICOT BEAM: A metal flanged beam, commonly 42 inches in breadth , on which yarn is wound to be used as a supply for the tricot machine.
70. TRICOT FABRIC YIELD: the amount of square yards per pound of greige or finished tricot fabric.
71. TRIMER: A polymer consisting of three monomer units.
72. TRISKELION CROSS SECTION: A trilobal cross section during which the radiating arms are curved or bent.
73. TRISTIMULUS VALUES: In shade matching during dyeing, these values represent the quantity of every of the three primary colors that, when mixed additively, will generate the specified shade.
74. TRUE TENSILE STRENGTH: the utmost tensile stress expressed effective per unit area of the specimen at the time of rupture.
75. TUBE: 1. A cylindrical holder or bobbin used as a core for a cylindrical yarn package. 2. A cylindrical yarn package.
76. TUBING: A woven, knit, or braided fabric of cylindrical form, having a width of over 4 inches.
77. TUBULAR FABRIC: a cloth woven or knit during a tube form with no seams, like seamless pillowcases, some knit underwear fabrics, and seamless hosiery.
78. TUCK STITCH: A stitch made when a needle receives a replacement yarn without losing its old loop.
79. TUFT: 1. A cluster of sentimental yarns drawn through a cloth and projecting from the surface within the sort of cut yarns or loops. 2. The portion of pile-like material that comprises a tufted fabric or carpet.
80. TURBIDITY: The decrease in optical transparency of an answer due to the presence of particulate .
81. TURN: the space parallel to the axis of a yarn or rope during which a strand makes one complete spiral.
82. TWEED: An irregular, soft, flexible, unfinished, shaggy wool or wool-blend fabric made with a 2/2 twill . Tweeds are utilized in all kinds of coat fabrics and suitings.
83. TWILL WEAVE: A fundamental weave characterized by diagonal lines produced by a series of floats staggered within the warp direction. The floats are normally formed by filling (filling-faced twill). A warp-face twill may be a weave during which the warp yarns produce the diagonal effect.
84. TWILO PROCESS: A spinning process during which yarn is formed by binding fibers with an adhesive, then removing the adhesive after the yarn is formed into fabric.
85. TWINE: 1. A plied yarn made form medium-twist single yarns with ply twist within the other way . 2. A single-strand yarn, usually 3 or 4 millimeters in diameter, made from hard fibers, like henequen, sisal, abaca, or phormium, and sufficiently stiff to perform satisfactorily on a mechanical grain binder.
86. TWIST: the amount of turns about its axis per unit of length of a yarn or other textile strand. Twist is expressed as turns per inch (tpi), turns per meter (tpm), or turns per centimeter (tpcm).
87. TWIST, DIRECTION OF: The direction of twist in yarns and other textile strands is indicated by the capital letters S and Z. Yarn has S-twist if when it's held vertically, the spirals around its central axis slope within the same direction because the middle portion of the letter S, and Z-twist if they slope within the same direction because the middle portion of the letter Z. When two or more yarns, either single or plied, are twisted together, the letters S and Z are utilized in an identical manner to point the direction of the last twist inserted.
88. TWISTING: 1. the method of mixing filaments into yarn by twisting them together or combining two or more parallel singles yarns (spun or filament) into plied yarns or cords. Cables are made by twisting plied yarns or cords. Twisting is additionally employed to extend strength, smoothness, and uniformity, or to get novelty effects in yarn. 2. a really high level of twist is added to single or plied yarns to form crepe yarns. This operation generally is named creping or throwing. 3. the method of adding twist to a filament yarn to carry the filaments together for ease in subsequent textile processing, etc.
89. TWIST MULTIPLIER: The ratio of turns per inch to the root of the yarn count.
90. TWIST SETTING: A process for fixing twist in yarns to deaden torque and eliminate kinking during further processing. There are several methods that use steam to condition the packages of yarns.
91. TWIT: a brief section of real twist during a false-twist yarn that forestalls crimp development and hence causes a pinhole effect within the fabric. Also called twist bleed or tight spot.
92. TWO-FOR-ONE TWISTER: A twister that inserts twist at a rate of twice the spindle speed. for instance , at a spindle speed of two ,000 rpm, 4,000 turns per minute are inserted within the yarn.
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